현재 인기있는 인공지능에 대한 Technical 관련된 수업을 건국대학교에서 듣고왔다.
강연자는 Intel출신 과학자로 Artificial Intelligence의 작동원리 같은것을 PPT로 소개해주셨다.
Artificial intelligence
- Natively Neuromorphic Architecture with no instruction set
NeuroMem computing alternative
- Today's common platforms
- The Neuromemon platform
The 8 pillars of neuromorphic pantheon
: up to nm of neurons -> increasing
- Broadcast mode
- Deterministic search time
- Winner takes all
- Uncertain response
- Back probational aren't
- No fetch and decode of program Instruction
- Beyond biology
We don't have software. generation capability 가 필요하다.
The merger of two old, but still in-fashion concepts
- Non linear classfier
- Hardwired parallel architecture
(hardware를 먼저 만들고 그 이후에 software를 만드는 것 같다. )
그래서 이 인공지능 중 NeuroMem은 회사인가?
The Neurome Innovation
- Reactive memories
- Demonstrated High
From data to Insight
- you can put system in analytics
- It should be comparable
- Twitter, and anlaytics.
- Usage Models, Level 1
모든 Dtata들을 모아서 Vector로 바꾼후 NeuroMem을 통해 Neuro response를 만들어낸다.
그래서 이 NeuroMem은 어떤 알고리즘을 바탕으로 한 것인가?
Neurom이 하는 동작들
- Identify
- Classification
- Anomaly detection
- Novelty detection
- Clustering
- Tracking
- Template matching (?)
- A companion processor to off-load the Vanlenumainn machines from pattern recognition tasks
- Cognitive Sensing
- convert sensor signals into insight data at the source
- Cognitive Storage
- Cognitive networking
The ZISC architecture timeline
- 1990 Nestor and Dassualt Aircraft starts
Do you have algorithms which
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Python 암호화기술 (1) (0) | 2017.11.01 |